most research practices privilege
as the dominant way of knowing and humans as the assumed centre against which Others are measured.

'writing' through

(il)legitimate research





the performance
of this dissertation
a dance

with power.











*(where we 
all live the effects)



How do we imagine a world outside dominant ways of knowing and living? And if we do imagine differently, how might we achieve these imagined futures, in particular, ones that extend our notion of communities to include the plant, animal, mineral and other non-human persons with whom we share the planet?






"We must find another relationship to nature besides reification, possession, appropriation and nostalgia. No longer able to sustain the fictions of being either subjects or objects, all the partners in the potent conversations that constitute nature must find a new ground for making meanings together." (Haraway,  2004b, p. 126)


My response to the above questions, and to Haraway's injunction, is to research through a dialogic method(ology) and multi-media hypertextual representation. Since this method(ology) relies heavily on letting go of the thinking mind in order to access other ways of knowing, it is often more effective to demonstrate, than explain. Thus, instead of relying on extended explanations, I worked to interrupt the privileged place of thought to foreground opportunities for the reader to engage their own re-animated perception (Bai, 2009) – hopefully in ways that just might enable readers to experience meaning-making through an animist ontology.




let go

of a desire
for coherence

in the performance of


in the performance of

in the performance of
graduate student



This dissertation is a dance across boundaries that have kept humans in superior and hierarchical relations vis-à-vis non-human Others. Demonstrating the development of the method(ology) that has facilitated this dance, has become
its primary focus. 


Even "the most subjective reading imaginable is never anything but a game played according to certain rules…come from the age-old logic of narrative, from a symbolic form which constitutes us even before we are born." (Barthes, 1986, p. 31)


Some narratives, and forms, however, appear to be more acceptable than others.


A stack of  books
on the corner of my desk,
waiting................................. is it my speak?